Ruthmere Business Membership
Ruthmere Business Membership - $120 per year: Free admission to all Ruthmere tour attractions (Ruthmere and Havilah Beardsley House) for the member and up to three additional free guests per visit, referred to as "Members Tour for Four." Hard copy of The Ruthmere Record mailed to home address, Off the Record (electronic newsletter) emailed monthly and discounts to all ticketed special events. Time Travelers network discounts nationwide. Ruthmere Business Membership is a prerequisite for becoming a Program Sponsor at any level. Ruthmere Business Members are encouraged to attend our EOQ (End of Quarter) Cocktail Parties which are designed networking events hosted four times a year. Business members are offered 2 free admissions per EOQ event. Additional guests are $10 each. *For Professional Photographers - Become a Ruthmere Business Member and receive two complimentary group photo sessions (Value $200). Photo sessions must not exceed one hour per session, and date/time of the sessions must be pre-approved by authorized staff. |