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My First Museum Visit Tours

Kindergarten - 1st Grade

The “My First Museum Visit” tour program is for K - 1st Graders. Our goal is to introduce younger children to the museum experience.  Students will learn the history of Elkhart through a fun interactive program. The limit is 50 people per tour (8 students and 1-2 adults per group). Transportation stipends are allocated per group size (see below for more information). Transportation needs are the responsibility of the school or parents. Preferred booking of "My First Museum Visit" tours are in October (no tours from January - March or May).  For more information about the program, or to book a "My First Museum Visit" tour, call Jennifer Johns at 574-264-0330 ext. 104.

Ruthmere Campus Field Trip Assistance Program

Through the generous sponsorship of matching donors, Ruthmere is pleased to offer grades K-12 field trip assistance to the first 2,000 students residing in Elkhart County and ANY COUNTY ADJACENT to Elkhart County.  My First Museum Visit Tours are eligible for the Ruthmere Campus Field Trip Assistance Program.  The sponsorship pays for the tour experience for students, teachers and one adult chaperone for every 5 students.  Additional adult chaperones are admitted at the group tour rate of $7 for Ruthmere tour.  

The sponsorship also offers a transportation stipend that is paid to the student's school after the field trip has taken place.

-$75 per student group per date with one bus load of students (25 minimum and 50 max per bus).
-$50 per student group per date with 5-24 students.
-Off peak bonus of $50 given to schools that schedule their field trip during an off peak month that we are open. Off peak months are: July, August, September, October, November and December.

Note: My First Museum Visit tours are not eligible for complimentary student memberships.  Student memberships begin at third grade.



302 E. Beardsley Ave.

Elkhart, IN 46514

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